(317) 220-8468

Customer Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey.
Smart Foam Machinery takes great pride in delivering a great product, backed with service after the sale.
Your feedback is important to us. It will go a long way in ensuring that we are meeting customer expectations.
We promise not to share any of your information.
Customer Feedback Form Template
Equipment & Installation
We would like your feedback on your recent SmartFoam equipment purchase and installation.

Contact Name

Contact email

Did your SmartFoam equipment arrive on-time and in good condition?

If NO, please describe what happened.

Was your installation team courteous and knowledgeable?

If NO please explain.

Did your engineer thoroughly train key personnel on machine usage?

Please rate the ease of using your SmartFoam equipment

Having gotten acclimated to the equipment, are there any questions you may have? If NO, please skip.

Suggestions and recommendations
Please help us understand any issues that we can improve upon.

Any suggestions to improve service or operation of equipment?

Would you recommend us to others?

Our Address

5101 Decatur Blvd, Ste L.
Indianapolis, IN 46241